Abstract |
Background. Topicality of the article is obvious due to the fact that the foreign citizens’ leagal status in the Russian Federation as a complex institution of the Russian law is closely interconnected with the state bodies’ activity, focused on provision and fulfilment of human right and freedoms, stated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and also on realization of national interests of the Russian Federation. The research subject is the analysis of the legal framework, regulating the foreign citizens’ legal status in the Russian Federation. The aim of the research is to reveal general regularities and unique features of development of the said institution in the Russian law, to generalize and analyze theoretical and practical experience of regulation of the foreign citizens’ legal status in the Russian Federation.
Materials and methods. The research objectives were realized on the basis of a broad analysis of the regulatory legal acts, regulating the issues concerning the foreign citizens’ legal status in the Russian Federation. In the study the author used a complex approach in researching the main branches of the Russian law. In terms of research, it is quite interesting that the aims, stated in the article, were achieved through the comparative analysis of the Russian Federation citizens’ status and the foreign citizens’ legal status in the Russian Federation. Thus, the researcher denoted similar aspects in determination of the foreign citizens’ legal status and came to determination of unique features of the legal status of the stated category of people.
Results. The author researched the development of the institution of the foreign citizens’ legal status in the Russian Federation, analyzed general regularities of development of the legislation, regulating legal relationship with foreign citizens, suggested recommendations on the legal framework imporvement.
Conclusions. The study of the content of the “foreign citizen’s legal status” category is of special importance for the research of legal relation between the state and foreign citizens, as it allows to reveal the specificity of such relations, to establish the differences thereof from the relation with Russian citizens, as well as to reveal the differences in relation with certain groups of foreign citizens having special right and duties.
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